You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > 5.4.5. Transactions - Batch Timesheets > Managing Completed Timesheet Batches > Export MJC Data for Paypack Importa Pay
Job Timesheet Batch Control - File - Write Portapay

Use this option to export data from a timesheet batch for import to Lewis Paypack Porta-Pay.

  1. Create a new timesheet batch, or recall an existing one.

Refer to "Creating a New Timesheet Batch"

  1. Enter all the relevant timesheet data into the batch.

Refer to "Recalling a Timesheet Batch" and "Maintaining Timesheet Details".


Micronet displays the Porta Pay Creation screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Payroll File

Enter the directory and filename to export the timesheet data to.


Existing File

Select whether you want the data in this batch appended to existing data in the export file or to overwrite the data in that file.


Payroll Overtime Rate Values

These are the Paypack rates which are normally 1=Normal, 1.5=Time/half and 2=Double, etc.

The rate names are setup on the Enter Rate Names screen (refer to "Edit - Applications - MJC - Rate Names").




For more information about the default values on this screen, refer to "Portapay File Details".

  1. Select the Export button.

Micronet exports the data and saves it to the directory and filename you entered. It then redisplays the Job Timesheet Batch Control screen.

  1. Complete the timesheet batch in Micronet as normal.

Refer to "Managing Completed Timesheet Batches".